
Find Lcd Of Rational Expressions

Any equation with one or more rational terms (or fractions) is a rational equation. Although these equations aren't always piece of cake to handle, you tin can turn them into quadratic equations by finding their least common denominator, or LCD.

To solve a rational equation with the LCD, you find a common denominator, write each fraction with that common denominator, and then multiply each side of the equation by that same denominator to get a prissy quadratic equation.

Quadratic equations can have 2 solutions, then they present more opportunities for extraneous solutions. Be on the sentry!

By breaking down this approach into the following steps you can solve scary-looking rational equations similar this one:


  1. Find a common denominator for all the terms in the equation.

    In this instance, the mutual denominator of all three fractions in the equation consists of the product of all the factors in the iii denominators, 20(x – 2).

    Each of the denominators has to be able to divide into the mutual denominator evenly. In other words, the LCD is a multiple of each of the original denominators. To solve this equation, 20(x – two) is the common denominator, because it'southward a multiple of iv — you multiply by 5(x – two) to become it; information technology's a multiple of (x – two) — you lot multiply by 20 to get it; and it's a multiple of 5 — y'all multiply past 4(x – 2) to get information technology. All 3 denominators divide this product evenly.

  2. Write each fraction with the common denominator.

    Multiply each of the terms in the original equation by some value and so that, later the multiplication, each resulting term has the aforementioned denominator — the LCD you're and so fond of:


    The "some value" is equal to one, considering each of the fractions multiplying the terms is the same in the numerator and denominator.

    Now, multiplying each fraction and simplifying,


  3. Multiply each side of the equation past that aforementioned denominator.

    This reduces each term and gets rid of the denominators:


    Now simplify what'southward left.


  4. Solve the new equation.

    By completing the previous steps, you accept produced a quadratic equation. To solve information technology, you can either factor or apply the quadratic formula. This equation factors into (ninex + ii)(ten – 7) = 0.

    Subsequently factoring, yous set each factor equal to goose egg and solve for ten. When 9ten + two = 0,


    and when 10 – 7 = 0, 10 = 7.

  5. Check your answers to avoid extraneous solutions.

    Check to be certain that both your solutions piece of work in the original equation; 1 or both may exist extraneous solutions.

    The most common indication that you have an extraneous solution is that you end up with a zippo in the denominator after replacing all the variables with that answer. Occasionally, you lot go a "nonsense" equation such as 4 = 7 when checking — and that tells yous that the solution is extraneous — but those are very special cases. Yous should always cheque your answers after solving equations. Make certain that the value(s) yous find create true statements.


    When replacing the x in the original equation with the two solutions, they both work.

Well-nigh This Article

This commodity is from the book:

  • Algebra Two For Dummies ,

About the book author:

Mary Jane Sterling is the writer of Algebra I For Dummies, Algebra Workbook For Dummies, and many other For Dummies books. She taught at Bradley Academy in Peoria, Illinois for more than 30 years, teaching algebra, business calculus, geometry, and finite mathematics.

This commodity can be found in the category:

  • Algebra ,

Find Lcd Of Rational Expressions,


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